Service to others is a great tool to bring change and hope to many. Besides serving others, loving God is the ONLY way in which all humans can find true peace and the path to be transformed.
In the Dominican Republic, there are many places that lack food, housing, health, and education, making it almost impossible for families to achieve the quality of life they deserve. To remedy this, we are taking these first steps to identify servants, like you, with a heart to bless others with enthusiasm and passion, and who possess a deep desire to share God’s love with others.
Our people have many physical, economic, and social needs, but true hope stems from a heart that has been transformed by knowing God. Our first priority will be to address their spiritual needs. We are seeking a group of people that love God, and with that love, wisdom, and grace, can join our team. Together, we will work to help others understand that God loves them as well as cares about their necessities. That change will occur as we serve physical and emotional requirements with our hands guided by God.
Join us in bringing hope to those most in need in the name of Christ!
We are focused on four core areas: Health, Food, Housing and Education but Christ is the center of everything we do in our programs, that is why in every activity we carry out, whether focused on health, food, education or housing, the preaching of the Word of God will always have a central place in it.
Our programs aim to improve the quality of life in our communities. Your donations are a very important part of everything we do. With your donations we will be able to purchase Bibles, medicine, food, school supplies, household items and other supplies that can help our people live in a more dignified way.
Our nonprofit organization is committed to improving the lives of those in need through community outreach and education. Discover how you can get involved and make a positive impact today.
Click on Donate Now and select Pasion de Servir in the Fund dropdown. We are a division of TRC Ministries
Pasión de Servir
We are a division of TRC Ministries
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana