We believe that prayer is one of the most powerful tools we have in our hands to achieve our goals. We are committed to improving the quality of life for our people and seek a spiritual transformation in their lives through salvation in Jesus Christ. Prayer is our spiritual weapon to be able to tear down walls that prevent the seed of salvation from being sown and growing in their hearts.
We ask for prayers for our country, our communities, pastors, leaders, partners and all those who are part of this vision. We believe in the power of prayer and recognize our dependence on it. Thank you for praying for us!
Our programs aim to improve the quality of life in our communities. We are focused on four core areas: Health, Food, Housing and Education. Your donations are a very important part of everything we do. We are always open to receive monetary donations through our website to purchase Bibles, medicine, food, school supplies, household items and other supplies that can help our people live in a more dignified way. In addition to online giving we are set up to receive funds wired through a bank transfer as well.
We are also open to receiving physical donations sent from abroad. Contact us and we will do what is necessary to distribute donated items to our communities in need.
Thank you in advance for trusting us, blessing others, and bringing hope in the name of Christ. Get in contact with us. There are many ways to help!
We love to have visitors! Come and get to know the communities we serve. We are open to receiving missionary groups that wish to be part of our vision. No matter the size of the group, they can be from your church, family, friends, even personal visits. Come and we will make it an experience that marks your life while serving and showing God's love to others.
Use your gifts and talents in service to God. If you are a doctor, dentist, musician, psychologist, like working with children, praying for others, building, teaching the Bible, evangelizing house to house, whatever your passion is, use it to serve our communities while sharing God's love with our people.
Contact us and we will make your visit a time of blessing where by giving you will receive a lot of love and warmth from our communities. Do you have passion of serving? You have an open door with us !!
Our nonprofit organization is committed to improving the lives of those in need through community outreach and education. Discover how you can get involved and make a positive impact today.
Click on Donate Now and select Pasion de Servir in the Fund dropdown. We are a division of TRC Ministries
Pasión de Servir
We are a division of TRC Ministries
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana